Welcome to mikestunes.com!
And thank you for visiting my website.
You're probably here because you found that I write and arrange music for
Jacquie Lawson's e-cards and Advent Calendars.
If you are trying to contact JL customer services, or need help with any aspect of JL products or services,
please click here.
If you are looking to purchase downloads of my music, I'm afraid that is no longer possible. I used to offer a small
selection of tracks for download here, but the work involved in preparing and publishing them was simply not worth
the couple of dollars I was realistically able to charge.
However, if you would like to purchase sheet music of some of the tracks from the JL ecards and other products, then
you might be in luck. Occasionally there's a piece which is realistically performable (i.e. it's not written for
a full orchestra!) and which appears to be popular enough to justify preparing the sheet music for publication and performance.
You can find all the sheet music available here. If the piece you would like to purchase is not listed,
please feel free to contact me, giving the title of the piece (or ecard if applicable). Normally
if I get a dozen or so requests for a piece, I'll try to find the time to prepare and publish a sheet music version.
Please note that this site is published by me personally, not by jacquielawson.com, and any views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily
represent those of JL.
Mike Hughes-Chamberlain